Legal Consulting

Immigrant Paperwork

Resident Visa México

Our Passion is to Connect People with Amazing International Cultural Experiences!


KL México offers the best migratory services which adapt to your current situation in order to provide you the best option to obtain your long term visa. KL México has consultants in the migratory area with experience on obtaining migratory documents to foreigners from every country and nationality that arrive to our country under all modalities.

KL México offers the following migratory services:

Temporary Resident Visa Permanent Resident Visa Work Visa Family Connection Visa
(Applies to those who want to travel and reside in Mexico)

instituto nacional migracion puerto vallarta jalisco
resident visa mexico
Migratory Procedures mexico

Mexican Visa Renewal

If your temporary resident visa is about to expire we will get your documents properly updated according to your needs at the moment.

Notification of Changes

We understand somethings may have changed for you since the last time you reviewed your immigration documents. We can help you to notify changes on relationship status, address, workplace, and more. It`s very important to pay attention on deadlines to avoid penalties & extra fees from the Mexican immigration office.

Reposition of the Migratory Document

If you lost your wallet, got stolen or for any other reason has no longer the resident card on hands, we can go through all the bureaucratic process of the migratory document reposition for you.

Change in Your Stay Condition

Have you changed your plans since your arrival in Mexico? We will work with you to obtain your temporary or permanent residency throughout the process of changing your stay condition, by family union with a Mexican citizen or any other legislation applied.

Work Permit

We will obtain work permits for temporary residents who have got that condition under the category of family union, economic solvency, retirees, self-employment or people seeking to work for a company in Mexico.


If you find yourself on a irregular situation in Mexico, do not hesitate to get in contact with us. We will make sure to regularize the migratory status. From expired tourist visas to out of dated resident visas we will get your documents updated according to the respective legislation.

Permit to Exit and Return to México

If you have an immigration process without a resolution yet and need to leave the country for sometime, we will help you to get the proper authorization so you process will be not affected.


Legal Consulting

In KL Mexico we provide legal advice and legal solutions to companies or individuals in terms of labor and corporate matters: Preparation and review of contracts, Constitution of companies, among others)

Taxes Law

KL México also has alliances with tax attorneys, who provide federal and local tax consultancy, accounting-tax, litigation services and assessment in tax, external commerce, social security and criminal tax law.

International Family Law puerto vallarta

If you find yourself with a pending immigration status or facing a legal process without a resolution in Mexico, do not hesitate to get in contact with us. We will make sure to support you throughout all the bureaucracy >>

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